The Synonym Song Lyrics

Song by: Matt & Joanna Pace


We have a different name

But our meaning is the same

We are synonyms

We are synonyms

It might seem strange, weird, or absurd

That we describe using different words

We smile, and beam, and grin

We’re happy to be synonyms

Frigid, freezing, really cold

Fearless, confident, and bold

Prosperous, rich, and wealthy,

Active, well, thriving, healthy

If your sentence is a little plain

or you forgot the name

Throw in a little synonym

You’ll be all better, right as rain!

Abandon, leave, desert

Injured, wounded, hurt

Keep going, continue, persevere

Neighboring, close, beside, near

Take in, welcome, get, receive,

Accomplish, carry out, achieve

Furious, angry, mad

Delighted, cheerful, pleased, and glad


We have a different name

But our meaning is the same

We are synonyms

We are synonyms

We have a different name

But our meaning is the same

We are synonyms

We are synonyms

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